When Our Teachers Fall From Their Pedestal with Reiki Women Podcasts
April 11, 2023
Weaving Reiki into Daily Life with Reiki Women Podcasts
May 4, 2023As Earth Day approaches, the Reiki Women, Carrie Varela, Michaela Daystar and Bronwen Logan, get passionate about the interconnectedness between the system of Reiki and Nature. From the system’s beginnings, we find nature calling practitioners back to their true selves or, if you like, their true nature. Nature is reflected in all the system’s various symbols and rituals. By opening to the heart of ourselves, we open the way to understanding our connection with nature, the universe and all living things. With this understanding comes a deep respect for life and an invitation to express our full potential in harmony with the universe. We invite you to join us as we explore how Reiki can remind us who we truly are. And don’t forget to take the haiku challenge!!! More info below.
HAIKU CHALLENGE: Do add your nature haikus to the comments. How to write haikus. It has three lines. It has five syllables in the first and third lines. It has seven syllables in the second line. Its lines don’t rhyme. It includes a kigo, a seasonal reference. Enjoy!
BOOK: Lost Child in the Woods: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=last+child+in+the+woods&adgrpid=61771258531&fbclid=IwAR3qmMJBcun9MRtfWid0H7cxQwtNWRI7SJ5I7mLAFUtv03DdhY9b801XurA&hvadid=580831287289&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9032434&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=7805152158384384469&hvtargid=kwd-296629300490&hydadcr=28790_14568220&tag=hydsma-20&ref=pd_sl_8sv4oiyjnd_e
CARRIE’S FUNDRAISER: https://www.reikihealingsociety.com/giveback?fbclid=IwAR21hTWHQd4e2APAeqEqiuwFxVrsUfz-R68Z8xlXGyAvfqBV7U_Svm1jlKY
We now have our own email! [email protected]
Our own RWP Group discussion: Embodying Reiki https://www.facebook.com/groups/15641… And don’t forget to join the Reiki Women each month as they take you on self-healing practices that work through the previous month’s subjects. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/embodying-reiki-a-monthly-group-to-practice-connect-with-rwp-tickets-611054007987