By using this website, you consent to the use of cookies.

Our Cookies Policy explains what cookies are, how we use cookies, how third-parties we may partner with may use cookies on the Service, your choices regarding cookies and further information about cookies.

What cookies are

A cookie is a small text file that a website saves on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site. It enables the website to remember your actions and preferences (such as login, language, font size and other display preferences) over a period of time, so you don’t have to keep re-entering them whenever you come back to the site or browse from one page to another.

Cookies can be “persistent” or “session” cookies.

How we use cookies

When you use and access the Service, we may place a number of cookies files in your web browser.

We may use cookies to enable certain functions of the Service, such as to provide analytics and to store your preferences.

We may use both session and persistent cookies on the Service.

Essential cookies.

We may use essential cookies to authenticate users and prevent fraudulent use of user accounts.

Third-party cookies

In addition to our own cookies, we may also use various third-parties cookies to report usage statistics of the Service, deliver advertisements on and through the Service, and so on.

What are your choices regarding cookies?

You can control and/or delete cookies as you wish – for details, see You can delete all cookies that are already on your computer and you can set most browsers to prevent them from being placed. If you do this, however, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit a site and some services and functionalities may not work.

The following links may provide information about your specific browser

Internet Explorer: (this page links to further information for different versions of IE – the mobile version is at


Safari: (or for mobile versions)





Find more information about cookies

You can learn more about cookies by searching on the web, a good place to start are these third-party websites: